This website contains images of people who have passed away.

Goal 8: Aboriginal workers achieve wealth equality

Aboriginal Victorians have a long history of enterprise. Today, successful Aboriginal entrepreneurs are role models for young Aboriginal people.

As businesses grow and develop, they allow the next generation of entrepreneurs to step forward. Over time, this strengthens the economic position of Aboriginal communities.

8.1 Increase Aboriginal household income in line with the Victorian median

8.1.1 Median household income and median equivalised household income

8.2 Increase Aboriginal home ownership in line with the Victorian average

8.2.1 Proportion of homeowners versus other tenure types (by age bracket)

8.3 Increase Aboriginal business ownership and support Aboriginal entrepreneurs

8.3.1 Number of Victorian business owner-managers who are Aboriginal

8.3.2 Aboriginal businesses that government enters into a purchase agreement with as a proportion of small to medium enterprises
