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Traditional Owner Engagement

The Traditional Owner Engagement Project aimed to engage more effectively with Traditional Owners for land, environment, natural resource, water, cultural heritage management and other purposes.


Traditional Owner Engagement Project and draft framework

The Victorian Government wanted to engage more effectively with Traditional Owners. To enable this work the Victorian Government Traditional Owner Engagement Project  was put in place to focus on improving engagement in areas where there was no formal recognition. These are areas where there are:

Aboriginal Victoria held extensive discussions with Traditional Owners, government staff and stakeholders from December 2018 - July 2019. Traditional Owner feedback has been published in the report:

You can also download a PDF version of the report:

To be heard and for the words to have actions - Traditional Owner voices: improving government relationships and supporting strong foundations
PDF 5.32 MB
(opens in a new window)

Following this work a Draft Framework was developed for strong relationships and engagement between the Victorian Government and Traditional Owners (Draft Framework).

Draft Framework for strong relationships and engagement between the Victorian Government and Traditional Owners

The purpose of the Draft Framework was to set the long-term vision and paint a picture of success for engagement between Government and Traditional Owners of areas without formal recognition. It is aspirational and high level in nature.

Read the Draft Framework

Draft Framework - Government Engagement with Traditional Owners
PDF 3.91 MB
(opens in a new window)
Accessible version
Word 1.5 MB
(opens in a new window)

Read the Consultation report - December 2020

Consultation Report December 2020 - Feedback regarding Draft Framework for Government Engagement with of Traditional Owners with no formal recognition
PDF 2.47 MB
(opens in a new window)

