This website contains images of people who have passed away.

Traditional Owner Nation-building and Treaty Readiness Support

First Peoples - State Relations provides support to Traditional Owners across Victoria to engage in nation-building and prepare for future treaty negotiations.

Traditional Owner Formal Recognition Support Services

These services support Traditional Owner groups to agree on group identity and governance, establish representatives corporate entities and make successful formal recognition applications including under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 (Vic), and or Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic).


$4 million was committed in the 2023-24 Victorian budget to continue formal recognition support services for Traditional Owners. Support is delivered by First Nations Legal and Research Services.

What can be accessed?

  • Research and engagement with families and Traditional Owner groups.
  • Legal advice to pursue formal recognition.
  • Corporate governance advice to establishing representative entities.

Who can apply?

Services are open to Traditional Owners without formal recognition in the Mid North West, Central North, North East, Far East Gippsland regions of Victoria.

Who to contact

Shenali De Silva, Managing Lawyer, First Nations Legal & Research Services:

Nation-building Resource Pool

The Resourcing Pool supports Traditional Owner-led projects that activate self-determination and strengthen the capacity of Traditional Owner groups to identify and progress shared goals, including readiness to negotiate treaties.  Funded activities are identified by Traditional Owner groups and align with nation building outcomes.


The resource Pool was allocated $4.3 million in the 2019-20 Victorian Budget and a further $1.5 million was allocated to the program in the 2021-22 Victorian Budget. This program is delivered by the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations.

What can be accessed?

Up to $0.530 million was available to each formally recognised Traditional Owner group in Victoria on a non-competitive and equitable basis.

Who can apply?

This program is no longer accepting applications. Funding was available to Traditional Owner groups with formal recognition. 

Who to contact

Contact Jill Webb, Manager Nation-building, Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations, or visit the Federation's website:

Previous programs

Traditional Owner Engagement Officers program

This program provided funding for formally recognised Traditional Owner groups to engage members of Traditional Owner corporations and the Traditional Owners they represent, in nation-building and the treaty process. 


This program was allocated $3 million in the 2019-20 Victorian Budget, and a further $1.736 million in the 2021-22 Victorian Budget. 

What can be accessed?

Funding was available to each formally recognised Traditional Owner group to employ a Traditional Owner engagement officer until 31 December 2023. 

Who can apply?

No further funding is available under this program. Funding was available to formally recognised Traditional Owner groups.

Who to contact

Emily Maher, Senior Policy Officer, First Peoples-State Relations, Department of Premier and Cabinet: 
