This website contains images of people who have passed away.

Goal 18: Aboriginal land, water and cultural rights are realised

We recognise that Aboriginal Victorians hold distinct cultural rights, including the right to maintain their spiritual, material and economic relationship with their traditional lands and waters.

The connection to land, water and resources on Country is important to the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal Victorians, particularly Traditional Owners.

Reconnecting Traditional Owners to Country can help revive culture and contribute to an improved sense of identity. We recognise that only Traditional Owners can speak for Country.

18.1 Increase the recognition and enjoyment of Aboriginal land, water and cultural heritage rights

18.1.1 Area of Crown land with native title determinations and/or Recognition and Settlement Agreements

18.1.3 Number of Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) that have submitted a notice of intention to enter into an Aboriginal cultural heritage land management agreement (ACHLMA), since 2017

18.1.4 Number of Whole of Country Plans published

18.1.5 Number of Joint Management Plans and area of land covered

18.1.6 Number of cultural burns conducted

18.1.7 Formal partnership agreements for planning and management between Aboriginal communities and key water and catchment agencies
