This website contains images of people who have passed away.

How we're improving government to empower Aboriginal Victorians

Our work focuses on leading and facilitating a whole-of-government, coordinated, and focussed approach on Aboriginal affairs, to improve outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians.

What we do

  • Advise all areas of government on ensuring Aboriginal voices are central to policy making.
  • Drive the delivery of priorities and commitments in the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018-2023
  • Work across government to support Aboriginal self-determination by:
    • enabling Aboriginal community accountability over government and government-funded organisations
    • improving how Aboriginal organisations are funded
    • improving the accessibility of data and reporting outcomes under the Victorian Government Aboriginal Affairs Report, published annually.
  • Continue to work collaboratively to understand the priorities and aspirations of Victorian Aboriginal communities, and ensure that community and government are working towards shared goals.
