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Domain 5: Justice & safety

Our shared commitment: ‘Aboriginal people have access to an equitable justice system that is shaped by   self-determination, and protects and upholds their human, civil and legal rights.’

Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework - Domain 5 Chapter
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Goal 15: Aboriginal over-representation in the justice system is eliminated

Objective 15.1 Decrease the number and eliminate the over-representation of Aboriginal children and young people in the justice system

Objective 15.2 Decrease the number and eliminate the over-representation of Aboriginal women in the justice system

Objective 15.3 Decrease the number and eliminate the over-representation of Aboriginal men in the justice system

Most Aboriginal people will never become involved in the Victorian criminal justice system. However, those who do are more likely to experience ongoing involvement with the system. Systemic and structural barriers that Aboriginal people experience, such as racism, social and economic disadvantage and involvement in the child protection system, can lead to over-representation in the justice system and entrenched cycles of disadvantage.

Goal 16: Aboriginal Victorians have access to safe and effective justice services

Objective 16.1 Increase Aboriginal participation in culturally safe and effective justice prevention, early intervention, diversion and support programs

Prevention and early intervention can keep Aboriginal young people, women and men out of the criminal justice system. Community-based diversion programs and community-led services that connect people to culture can also help break cycles of offending and promote positive outcomes. This also requires intersectional services in health, child protection, homelessness and family violence, to deliver effective prevention and early intervention support.

There needs to be a focus on community-based prevention for diverting people away from the justice system. - Community forum participant, Sale

Goal 17: Aboriginal Victorians feel safe and connected

Objective 17.1 Increase community safety and trust in police and the justice system

Historic injustices have contributed to mistrust of police and the justice system amongst some Aboriginal communities. Community-led justice responses are working to address local issues and build greater trust between Elders, community and police.

Prevention requires places to be culturally safe and trauma informed… This includes non-Aboriginal systems and places too. - Community forum participant, Morwell 
