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Domain 2: Learning & skills

Our shared commitment: ‘Every Koorie person achieves their potential, succeeds in life, and feels strong in their cultural identity.’

Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework - Domain 2 Chapter
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Goal 4: Aboriginal children thrive in the early years

Objective 4.1 Optimise early childhood development and participation in kinder

Education is well known to be linked to improved wellbeing and increased equity, with kindergarten and early schooling a critical starting point to set Aboriginal children up for life.

Increased enrolment and participation in kindergarten and early-start programs can significantly improve social and emotional skills and resilience, and ensure Aboriginal children are in the best position to achieve their potential.

Children need to be school ready, and schools need to be ready for them. - Community forum participant, Mildura

Goal 5: Aboriginal learners excel at school

Objective 5.1 Bring Aboriginal achievement at school in line with learners’ aspirations

Objective 5.2 Increase the proportion of Aboriginal students who feel safe and connected at school

For Aboriginal learners to excel at school, it is vital that schools are culturally supportive and responsive learning environments. Cultural safety and connection to culture is a critical foundation that supports Aboriginal children to be confident learners and makes schools more inclusive of Aboriginal students and their aspirations.

Educational outcomes for Aboriginal students can be better supported by ensuring learning environments are addressing inequity, such as experiences of racism and bullying, and increasing the confidence that Aboriginal students and their families have in the school system.

Aboriginal children should be encouraged to be astronomers, scientists, engineers. - Community forum participant, Ballarat

Goal 6: Aboriginal learners are engaged at school

Objective 6.1 Increase Year 12 or equivalent attainment

Remaining engaged in school and completing and excelling at Year 12 or equivalent can provide Aboriginal learners with greater opportunities and choice for their future pathways.

Completing Year 12 or equivalent can support Aboriginal learners to pursue further education and training or to gain employment.

The more educated they are, the more Aboriginal people can self-determine their own future. - Community forum participant, Horsham

Goal 7: Aboriginal learners achieve their full potential after school

Objective 7.1 Increase the proportion of Aboriginal young people in work or further education and training

The opportunities and pathways made available to students immediately after high school can help set up a strong foundation for a successful, healthy and prosperous future.

Aboriginal learners must be supported to pursue their pathway of choice, whether that be further education, training or formal employment. This means making these opportunities more accessible for Aboriginal young people, as well as ensuring young people feel supported to follow their ambitions.

Lifelong learning must also be accessible and encouraged for adult Aboriginal Victorians, particularly those facing additional challenges to social and economic participation.

Year 12 attainment is a good target and measure, but we need to go further – for example, measure and track from Year 12 to tertiary education or employment. - Community forum participant, Bendigo
