This website contains images of people who have passed away.


Next steps, about this report and the collation of data, improving Aboriginal data quality, and accessibility and glossary.

Measures not features in this report

This report does not include reference to the measures listed below as no new data is available since they were reported in 2019 report. The most recent data for these measures can be found on the online Data Dashboard.

Children, Family and Home

  • Measure 3.2.1 Proportion of households who had reliable access to sufficient food in previous 12 months.
  • Measure 3.2.2 Proportion of households with less than 50 per cent median equivalised income.
  • Measure 3.2.3 Proportion of households experiencing rental stress.
  • Measure 3.2.4b Proportion of Victorians who are homeless and proportion of clients accessing homelessness services.
  • Measure 3.2.5 Proportion living in overcrowded dwellings.

Learning and Skills

  • Measure 4.1.3 Proportion of children vulnerable on one or more domain on the Australian Early Development Census.
  • Measure 5.2.5b Number of school‑based Aboriginal education workers (FTE positions) (at 30 June 2018).
  • Measure 6.1.1 Proportion of young people aged 20-24 with Year 12 or equivalent.
  • Measure 7.1.2 Proportion of 17-24-year-old school leavers participating in full-time education and training and/or employment.
  • Measure 7.1.4 Proportion of 20-64 year old with qualifications at Certificate III level or above.

Opportunity and Prosperity

  • Measure 8.1.1 Median household income and median equivalized household income.
  • Measure 8.2.1 Proportion of homeowners versus other tenure types (by age bracket).
  • Measure 8.3.1 Number of Victorian business owner‑managers who are Aboriginal.
  • Measure 9.1.1 Employment to population ratio.
  • Measure 9.1.2 Proportion employed in full-time versus part-time or casual employment.
  • Measure 9.2.1 Workforce participation of women.
  • Measure 9.3.1 Workforce participation by age, disability status and regional versus metropolitan.
  • Measure 9.4.1 Aboriginal employment by sector, industry and occupation, with analysis by growth industry.
  • Measure 10.1.1 Victoria’s Aboriginal income as sum of all income earned by Aboriginal workers.
  • Measure 10.1.2 Opportunity cost: Aboriginal gross income at parity minus actual.

Health and Wellbeing

  • Measure 11.1.1 Life expectancy at birth, by sex.
  • Measure 11.1.4 Rate of hospitalisations for potentially preventable causes (vaccine preventable, acute, chronic and all).
  • Descriptive Measure 12.1.6 Services implement strategies, partnerships and campaigns, and offer care and support that is inclusive and addresses the needs of Aboriginal people who are LGBTI.
  • Measure 13.1.1 Proportion of Aboriginal Victorians reporting experiences of racism in health setting.
  • Measure 13.1.2 Proportion reporting positive client experience of GP services.
  • Descriptive measure 13.1.4 Number and proportion of Aboriginal people employed in the health or social services sector.
  • Measure 14.1.3 Proportion reporting strong social networks they can draw on in times of crisis.
  • Measure 14.1.4 Proportion of Aboriginal Victorians with a disability who have strong social support networks.

Justice and Safety

  • Measure 17.1.2 Proportion who feel safe/very safe walking alone at night in local area.
  • Measure 17.1.3 Proportion who have experienced any violence in the last 12 months.
  • Culture and Country.
  • Measure 19.1.1 Participation in community events which celebrate Aboriginal culture.
  • Measure 20.1.1 Proportion of Aboriginal people who report having experienced racism in the previous 12 months.

Culture and Country

  • Measure 19.1.1 Participation in community events which celebrate Aboriginal culture.
  • Measure 20.1.1 Proportion of Aboriginal people who report having experienced racism in the previous 12 months.
