This website contains images of people who have passed away.


DPC is committed to focusing and evaluating its efforts based on the outcomes it achieves, as determined by Aboriginal people, rather than traditional governmental outputs.

Focus within the outcomes domain

DPC leads several whole of government actions within the outcomes domain. This includes many of the VAAF’s commitments to informing self-determined, community-defined policy approaches by providing accessible data for Aboriginal people and organisations. DPC is also exploring ways to move towards pooled, outcomes-based funding for Aboriginal organisations. This will enhance self-determination and flexibility over funding expenditure, in line with Victoria’s commitments under the VAAF and National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

Overview of progress

DPC made good progress in this domain, particularly through the development and release of a publicly available Aboriginal data dashboard on FPSR’s website. This interactive dashboard helps Aboriginal people and organisations access outcomes-based data that is relevant to them. It also keeps government accountable to its public commitments by highlighting progress and areas for improvement. In 2022, DPC plans to undertake further work to ensure the dashboard provides local level data where available.

DPC also led development of Victoria’s Closing the Gap Implementation Plan (Implementation Plan) in partnership with the Aboriginal Executive Council and other implementation partners, to reflect the unique and diverse needs of Victoria’s Aboriginal communities. The Implementation Plan brings together new and existing actions that will contribute to Victoria achieving – and exceeding – targets under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap and the VAAF.

Further work is required across DPC to transition from measuring outputs to measuring outcomes, and to better facilitate self-determined, outcomes-based approaches to policy design and service delivery.

2.3.1 DPC's contribution to whole of government outcomes

CASE STUDY 2.3.1: Closing the Gap Implementation  

Victoria’s Implementation Plan outlines Victoria’s ambitious self-determination reform agenda and sets out Victoria’s planned actions to improving outcomes for all Aboriginal people by achieving the targets set out in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

Implementing the National Agreement

The new National Agreement on Closing the Gap represents a fundamental shift in the approach of governments to Closing the Gap - one that is built upon genuine and meaningful partnerships with Traditional Owners, the Aboriginal Community Controlled Sector and the wider Aboriginal community.

This shift has been driven at the national level by the Coalition of Peaks. In Victoria, government worked closely with the Aboriginal Executive Council and other key ACCOs in the development of Victoria’s implementation plan.

The Implementation Plan was tabled in Parliament in June 2021 and reflects Victoria’s nation-leading approach to Aboriginal Affairs, including the Victorian Government’s broader commitment to treaty, working with the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, truth telling through the Yoorrook Justice Commission, and progressing self-determination through the VAAF. The Implementation Plan will run until 2023 and will drive the four Closing the Gap priority reforms areas that are key to achieving and exceeding the socio-economic targets and outcomes within the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

Next steps

Victoria will report on our progress against the Implementation Plan through the VGAAR. This will include monitoring all priority reform areas, socio-economic targets and other key commitments outlined in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap and the Implementation Plan.
