This website contains images of people who have passed away.


Representation was the central focus of the Phase 2 Community Consultations. Given this entity will be a Representative Body it is critical that the design of the entity considers carefully how people are represented and who has a voice.

In support of this eight (8) questions were asked to explore three primary components of representation (please see the full report for discussion on the eight questions):

  1. Voting: who can vote and how is voting organised
  2. Candidacy: who can be chosen as candidates and how
  3. Electorates: how people are nominated to be on the representative body (voting boundaries)

The data for the responses for each question are outlined below:

All Aboriginal people in Victoria 41%, Victorian Aboriginal traditional owners 32%, Aboriginal people born in Victoria 11% and all Aboriginal people 11%
Victorian Aboriginal traditional owners 48%, All Aboriginal people living in Victoria 33% and Aboriginal people born in Victoria 19%
Must be recognised as a Traditional Owner Corporation 40%, must self-nominate and be supported by a Victorian Aboriginal organisation 32%, must self-nominate and gather 20 eligible voter signatures
Has been convicted of a service indictable offence 48% or would bring the organisation into disrepute 52%
4 years 33% and 3 years 67%
Should candidate terms be fixed or renewable graph of responses. Percentage of responses: renewable terms 63%, fixed terms and cannot stand for consecutive terms 28% and fixed terms where candidate can only stand once 9%.

Each of the graphs outline the percentage figure that captures the frequency that each response to each answer for each question was selected across the total questionnaires we received. As a result of the Phase 2 Community Consultations Parts of the representation model element have been answered, however, due to the complexity surrounding representation further work needs to be done to finalise the candidate nomination process and the voting structures. These will need to be discussed further with the Aboriginal Community.
